Top Ten Spanish markets for foodies

Top Ten Spanish markets for foodies -

Spain is a country with great flavor. One of the best ways to enjoy it is by exploring their food markets: traditional places where visitors can find the freshest fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. Some of the most famous markets include the Boqueria in Barcelona, ​​San Miguel in Madrid or Seville Lonja del Barranco

However, in Spain sherpas food that would like to approach ten Spanish markets in which tradition rules :. Markets where residents do their shopping every day, places where tradition is maintained and where you can discover local gastronomic secrets and, why not, also tested in one of its small bars where you can cook like nobody else. Bon Appetite!

1 · Santiago · Food Market

scallops, scallops, prawns, barnacles, crabs, mussels, crayfish, lobsters ... and the best Galician fish, fruits, meats and vegetables. These are the products that can be found inside the historic Plaza de Abastos of Santiago, a must see for any traveler interested in gastronomy.

Found in the same place where the original City Market (City Market) was opened in 1870 in the heart of Santiago de Compostela, with its narrow streets, the stones with a lot of stories waiting be counted and close to the famous cathedral. The market operates as a cooperative and some gardeners still go there to sell the harvest collected daily from their gardens; so fresh produce is more than guaranteed. This traditional market has been updated through the use of online shopping services, vacuum packaging to keep their fresh produce to get home and you can even hire your own personal shopper for advice.

Mercado de Abastos Santiago

Photo: Tourism Santiago

If you are not from Galicia, this could be the best way to get to know the names of their tasty seafood. You can also enjoy areas such as Abastos 2.0, which are within the market and where a weekly menu prepared with seasonal products; or Mariscomanía, where you can take your cooked food if you want. There are also stalls where you can buy handmade cans of food, jams, oils and a wide variety of local gourmet products.

2 · Cádiz · Central Market

in the central market of shrimp Cádiz are so fresh it almost seems like they are jumping around, apparently full of joy, Give him a welcome. This is one of the most interesting places in the capital of Cadiz: not only because of its almost two centuries of history, but because this is where the essence of the southernmost province of the Iberian Peninsula can discover


you can be found within fifty posts dedicated to shellfish massive sword fish steaks, seafood with very strange names and fish that look so good that almost demands to be eaten raw. Not to mention the incomparable shades of red tuna swimming in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar. You should not miss trying retinto beef, cattle bordering outdoors on land or Vejer de la Frontera Tarifa and cattle whose heads are monitored stroll around Bologna beach, while enjoying the sun.

There are also within this central market a so-called Gastronomic Corner (gastronomic space) where you can try local beer -the Maire, have some natural juices and milkshakes, the taste of a wide variety of tapas or discover the Gadisushi, Japanese cuisine mixed with flavors of Cadiz.

And if you feel that this was not enough, you should know that this food market is located in the center of Cadiz, close to places like the Plaza de las Flores or the beautiful Torre Tavira, where you can find a perfect view of Tacita de Plata whole. La Viña, which is equally traditional and tasty, is just a few steps from the market. It is a mandatory walk for all visitors to Cadiz

mercado central cadiz

Photo: Market Central of Cádiz

3 · Bilbao · Ribera Market

You will be surprised during his visit to the Mercado de la Ribera for sure: It has more than 10,000 square meters. This implies at least three consequences: the first is that you might miss. Second, you should have enough time to spend hours discovering its products, talking with shopkeepers and know the Basque traditions. And third, their measurements make this market largest single market in Europe . In fact, since 190 it has been recognized as the most comprehensive municipal food market by the Guinness Book of Records.

It was built during the 1930s with very large windows, Art Deco and lattice, which make this place a must when visiting Bilbao. It is a unique place on the banks of the Nervion River chat with the townsfolk, who are the best experts on their products and their secrets or curiosities. You have plenty of options: the market has three floors and can not find the best and freshest seafood and land in the Basque Country: meat, fish, fruits, fresh vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, wine, flowers, cakes, seeds, canned or pickled food, etc. Some of the chefs of one of the best cuisines from around the world-kitchen Vasco do most of their shopping here. And anyone can do so from the 70s is no longer a market for wholesalers.

You can make the purchase over the Internet, however you then lose its lively atmosphere, noise, smells and colors beneath this huge building. You can taste some of the products that may be discovered in the La Ribera de Bilbao, where in addition to the wide gastronomic selection can be found jazz music every night restaurant. In addition, the Mercado de la Ribera is located between the old town (Casco Viejo) and the area of ​​Bilbao la Vieja, so it is the perfect place to start walking in any direction to discover the city.

Ribera Market Bilbao

Photo: Ribera Market, Bilbao

4 · Sevilla · Mercado de Triana

If there is a neighborhood that represents the perfection Sevilla, which will Triana, which is on the bank of the river Guadalquivir. This place is full of history and tradition stays here. The Mercado de Triana is located within the boundaries of this neighborhood, right in the heart of Triana, next to the legendary streets of the capital of Andalusia, such as San Jacinto, Betis and Castile.

The food market is almost two hundred years old, although the original building was built during the 12th century On the ground floor, the remains of Castillo de San Jorge, who is of Arab origin and was used more Spanish Inquisition headquarters late as the Middle ages, they can still be found. Going through its corridors is an experience. Not only for the wide variety of fruits, vegetables, meat or fish, but also by the smell of spices, sausages or many handmade products.

This is the perfect place to meet the special character of the neighborhood and the lifestyle of the Andalusian people through storekeepers place. This food market also has ten stalls dedicated to serving meals, they really care about the traditional Andalusian, and other very typical places of culture of Seville as abacería (post where pulses are sold?, Oil, vinegar or cod ).

Market Triana also gives you the opportunity to discover its secrets thanks to a guided tour or even put on an apron and learning some typical recipes of Andalusian cuisine in its cooking school.

Triana Market Seville

Photo: Mercado de Triana, Sevilla

5 · Madrid · Market San Fernando

in the Mercado de San Fernando can be bought fresh lettuce and fish, have a small bottle of beer, has that tear in his pants repaired, the taste of a smoothie of fresh milk, eat Greek Kalamata olives, buy a book, discover the Nikkei kitchen or buy some of the best preserved foods in the country. You can even learn traditional recipes in the kitchen called Market (Market Kitchen), which is a place where different people -neighbours, shopkeepers ... -. Prepared regional dishes and seasonal products market itself

It is located in the Lavapies and next to the Rastro (flea market outdoor). It opened in the middle of the 20th century, although it has been restored in the late 0s, however, it has been lately when traders themselves have prompted a renewal and updating of the building. This has allowed the food market to maintain its traditional character combined with improvements up to date. That is why, apart from the purchase of fruits, vegetables or fish, you can also learn to dance swing, participate in a course of basketry or raise awareness of the world of wines through wine tastings.

Similarly, the market includes food stands where you can find a tasty variety of Greek products, sushi, ceviche or Argentine beef. That said, you should not miss the traditional and most traditional proposals Barroso bar :. A place to taste the Spanish omelette, paella, tripe (dish made with tripe) and other homemade foods

mercado de san fernando madrid

Photo: Mercado de San Fernando, Madrid

6 · Las Palmas · Mercado del Puerto

the Canary Islands do not just have one of the best climatic conditions around the world, but also an interesting cuisine full of local products. You can find them all on the market the Port of Las Palmas. It is a traditional space was constructed from wrought iron in the late 19th


From the typical Canarian banana for gofio (flour cooked with shredded wheat or corn). This market is well worth a visit since you can find products from the Canary Islands as tasty grapes, figs, chickpeas orchards Lanzarote, palm honey La Gomera, black potatoes of Tenerife or tropical fruits like papayas, mangoes, avocados and custard apples. You can also find delicious local liqueurs, cheeses with designation of origin Majorero Fuerteventura or oils and wines with designation of origin as well. Not to mention the fish in the Atlantic and some local as Claca, snapper, grouper or the old Atlantic

is located in a magnificent setting :. Santa Catalina isthmus, which is the narrow strip of land that connects the north of the city with the Isleta, next to the Las Canteras beach. Lately, the Mercado del Puerto has also accommodated international cuisine with small Japanese restaurants in Italian, Scandinavian, American, Basque cuisine, or Brazilian. It has also recently gone to give a social and cultural touch with several proposals. Now you can even make buying music week while a local DJ is heard. Or you can find places where custom bikes or vintage comics 80

Harbor Market Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

. Photo: Mercado del Puerto. Las Palmas

7 · Barcelona · Santa Caterina

Today is one of the most famous paintings of Barcelona: colorful undulating roof and Santa Caterina Market. Ceiling architecture has been considered one of the most attractive restorations of the Catalan capital in recent years and an attraction for visitors.

This traditional market is located in the beautiful neighborhood of La Ribera, which has been supplied with the freshest produce from the 19th century by the market -being the oldest inland city market. However, market history goes further back: during remodeling market the archaeological remains of the old? Convent which owes its name were found. These remains can now be seen in the basement of the market as part of the Barcelona City History Museum. All these features cause this market as one of the most interesting markets in the city, which has about 40 markets well-known as the Boqueria food -some of them, located right on the Ramblas in Barcelona.

There are fresh produce in Santa Caterina: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and an endless variety of Catalan products and products from other Spanish regions such as Galicia and Andalusia. This fact gives visitors the opportunity to discover some of the best suggestions of the national cuisine. There is a restaurant inside -Cuines Santa Caterina, intended as a store of food products and offering both Catalan and international food. The market is therefore the perfect place to get forces and, after that, continue visiting the gothic side of Barcelona through the narrow streets of the nearby neighborhood Born

Santa Caterina fodd market barcelona

. Photo: Mercat de Santa Caterina

8 · · Central Market in Valencia

Central Market in Valencia is one of the most attractive of the city. one beautiful triangle with two monuments such as the Silk (Fish Market Silk) Fish Market and the Church of Santos Juanes (Juanes Saints Church) is formed.

This impressive building in Ciutat Vella was inaugurated at the beginning of 1928 and has a modernist character defined by materials such as iron, glass or ceramics. It has more than 8,000 square meters where about 1,0 jobs are distributed. It is one of the largest markets in Europe specializing in fresh produce. Here you can find almost anything from traditional legumes, vegetables, fruits, fish and meat to more specific products like salty foods, meat offal, Tocinería (made from pork fat food), food in grocery stores or products poultry

This space also has a gastronomic proposal: the central Bar, the stove is signed by a chef with a Michelin star: Ricard Camarena. His suggestion focuses on zero kilometer philosophy: the use of products close to him in his gastronomic proposal. Rumour has it that he was the first to computerize its sales and have a home delivery service, which it has done since 1996. His web site can be accessed in English, German, French, Dutch and Italian in addition to Spanish and Valencian, what can be considered a great attraction for tourism

Valencia central market

. Photo: Central Market in Valencia

9 · Huelva · Mercado del Carmen

The Mercado del Carmen de Huelva, which is over 150 years old, it is one of the most characteristic places of the capital of Huelva. This place helped establish the Carmen district, but over time the market became too small. However, in the early 21st century it underwent a makeover that led to its opening in February 2010. He has been a complete makeover :. From the outside, this market looks like a modern art museum

Currently it is not just a place to sell fresh produce, but also a new cultural and tourist attraction of the city. You can find some of the best products of the local cuisine in its highly organized positions. On the one hand, you can find fish and seafood from Huelva, as the white shrimp Isla Cristina to start and cuttlefish (a variety of squid), clams (a type of clam), smooth clams, mantis shrimp, red snapper or red mullet, which are indigenous to this region. And on the other hand, you can be found hams and sausages from Jabugo and from the rest of the Sierra de Aracena.

This site also provides buyers with great varieties of mushrooms, as appetizing as Boletus mushroom or Caesar. Similarly, we must not forget to buy some salt from the salt of Isla Cristina. And if what you want is to get a cooked meal, must pass through any of the five positions were turned into small bars. There, you will find some of the fresh produce market

Mercado del Carmen, Huelva

. Photo: Mercado del Carmen de Huelva

10 · · Malaga Market Atarazanas

street where the Atarazanas Market used to be a beach not long ago. The Mediterranean Sea used to reach this point and because this building was first used as a shipyard during the 14th century was built during the Nazari dynasty and that is the reason why this building still has a touch of Arabia its main entrance, for example. This building has been devoted to different uses in the years-from military barracks to hospitalization, however, since the 19th century has been the main market in Malaga.

Walking through the building is like entering a gastronomic paradise is the perfect place to discover the charcuterie produced within regions of Malaga. Citrus Guadalhorce Valley, the orchards of the Vega de Antequera, tropical fruits of the Axarquía, the tasty seafood from the Costa del Sol or inlays of the Serrania de Ronda. All this creates a unique experience that can be converted into a diverse basket to take home .: Anchovies, mangoes, papayas, tomatoes, artichokes, or Malaga goat cheese all produced in the province of Malaga

in addition, you can also add to your shopping bag indigenous products Malaga as lettuce, Alfarnate almonds, Aloreña olives (the ones with a designation of origin) or carrots Mora (purple) grown in the municipality of Cuevas Bajas.

We love this market and local vendors who work there, so we offer in our Food Sabor Malaga tour for a while.

food market malaga

Photo: Spain Food Sherpas

Some posts traditional sales are now small taverns where you can try all these fresh products immediately and find tasty recipes. Málaga

cadiz central market

Photo: Central Market Cádiz

mercado de la ribera

Photo: Mercado de la Ribera, Bilbao

Triana Market stalls

Photo: Mercado de Triana, Sevilla

San Fernando Market Madrid

photo: Mercado de San Fernando, Madrid

Santa Caterina food market stalls Barcelona

photo: Mercat de Santa Caterina

Mercado de Abastos. Turismo de Santiago 1

Photo: Tourism Santiago

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